What Vaccinations are Needed for an Everest Base Camp Trek

Every trip to a foreign country requires some necessary vaccines.  Firstly, you should consult your doctor to make sure you should be joining a team to trek to Everest Base Camp. Before you join this adventure, you need to be fit, strong and in good physical shape. In order to have a safe and successful journey, you will need to put in specific training and preparations.  If you are concerned about your health and fitness, then you need to speak with your doctor.  Once you have done this, then Contact Us and we can help you develop a training plan that it critical for success.

People are always asking us what Vaccinations are needed for an Everest Base Camp Trek. Unless you are entering Kathmandu from tropical Africa, then there are no legally required vaccinations to enter or exit from Nepal. Even though there are no required vaccines, there are however, some that are recommended.  We suggest that you keep up to date with the current vaccine list through the CDC or your local Travel Medical Center.  The recommended vaccines will also depend on when you where else you will be traveling when you visit Nepal as there are different recommendations for different regions.

Recommended Vaccines for Nepal

If you joining one of our treks in Nepal, these are the recommended vaccines:

1). Tetanus

2). Hepatitus A

3). Hepatitus B

4). Typhoid

5). Poliomyelitis

6). Rabies

7). Meningoccal Meningitis

8). Japanese Encephalitis

9). Yellow Fever (Only if traveling from a country with Yellow Fever)

There is currently no malaria in Kathmandu or in the mountain areas, however if you are going to be traveling to areas under 2,000m/ 6,562 feet, you would require malaria precautions.  Please consult your Doctor or Travel Clinic for up to date and current information.

Further Information on Traveling to Nepal

If you would like to read more about the health risks associated with entering Nepal you can find out further information on these two websites.  DFA Nepal country information page or the WHO Nepal country information page.